
Foolproof solution to remove stains naturally with effective oil stain remover

Oil stains on cloths can be a very embarrassed thing for many people. What’s worse, it is very difficult for them to remove oil stains off cloth if not clean in proper ways. The oil stain remover can be the key to remove oil stains effectively. It can save your time and energy when applying an oil stain remover and at the same time, save your money. 

Oil stain removal can be not as difficult as it seems if you master the effective and proper ways. Herr is a foolproof guide to removing food stains you are going to spill. You should first of all, identify the stain being treated. Stains can be divided into three main categories: tannin stains, oil stains, and protein stains. Once you've identified the type of stain, choose the right cleaners and methods accordingly.

Oil stains, for example, you can apply stain remover directly to the blemished areas. Then pour hot water from a height, or use the pressure from hot taps on the treated area. Use an oxygen bleaching agent to safely remove dirt, stains, and odors. This is most effective when used with warm water. It's safe for all colors, and is an excellent alternative to chlorine bleach.

Actually, in addition to oil stain remover, there are many household ingredients that you can use to remove stains from clothes and carpet naturally. These ingredients have the functions of clean and remove oil stains in a short time and what’s more, they are all natural things that leave no harms to health. You can have a try and homemade one cleaner with these following ingredients.

For example, you can make a paste of baking soda and water and scrub into carpet stains. Once the powder dries, vacuum it up. Or you can rub toothpaste briskly into stains on clothing or carpet. Wash or rinse as usual. Toothpaste is supposed to be good for reducing stains in tea and coffee cups.

Meanwhile, lemon juice can be also one of most natural thing to make a cleaner to remove oil stains. Scrub underarm stains with equal parts lemon juice and water. Use straight lemon juice or a paste of lemon juice with cream of tartar for ink stains and then wash in cold water. Use a paste of lemon juice and salt for mildew or rust stains, and then dry in sunlight.

Salt can be the easiest ingredient to get and it can be used to remove oil stains as well.  Get rid of perspiration stains on shirts by making a saltwater soak. Pour half cup salt into washing machine and add enough cold water to cover clothes. Mix, then let soak for 1-2 hours. Wash as usual. If you don’t have a washing machine, make a salt paste with water and apply to stains before washing by hand.

Besides these amazing things that you may not know, there are also other things that can be also used to remove oil. There are a lot of new things awaiting you to discover and make full use of them into daily life. You have to learn more, and then apply this information into your daily life. Such as scratch repair, you can do it yourself after learning from website or other friends. There is never too old to learn! 

